A Passion for… the Unusual

siamese daisy.

“Live the full life of the mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the romance of the unusual.”
― Ernest Hemingway


The strange

the odd

the different

the unique

the individual

these stand out

catching the eye

drawing attention

to themselves.


What we think of them

feel about them

that comes more from us

than from them

they are

the mirror which shows us our true face

for it is in seeing

the unusual

that we perceive our usual selves

and how we handle

being confronted by that

which does not conform

to our norm.


The mutant daisy in the photograph

made me veer off course

as I was mowing the lawn

in a sea of daisies, dandelions

and tall grass

it stood out and gave me a shout

which I passed onto Steve

who got his camera out

to admire

the beauty

of this creation

with a passion for the unusual.



9 thoughts on “A Passion for… the Unusual

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